~ Other centers around the world
~ Interesting books and authors
Open Dharma encourages people to explore any teachings and techniques that speak to their hearts.
~ Recommended websites
Deep ecology
Quotation from the shared-roots website:
“What the human being is totally, both at a conscious as well as at the deeper levels of his consciousness, produces a society with a corresponding structure- which is obvious. And one asks... is it at all possible for man, having accustomed himself through education, through acceptance of the social norm and culture to bring about a psychological revolution within himself?” [1] J. Krishnamurti
“The most remarkable feature of this historical moment on Earth is not that we are on the way to destroying the world-we've actually been on the way for quite a while. It is that we are beginning to wake up, as from a millennia-long sleep, to a whole new relationship to our world, to ourselves and each other.” ~Joanny Macy
Retreat centers
“Movements for social justice have always thrived in places of sustenance and safety where people can deepen relationships and envision new strategies for political organizing. The Stone House represents a powerful converging of two traditions: on one hand, places of spiritual renewal and contemplative retreat and, on the other, a lineage of centers for movement building in the South that have been pivotal in the transformation of this country.”
This Sangha directory is for connecting fellow yogis and announcement of dharma events only, such as retreats and yatras:
The DharmaTalk discussion group is open for dharma discussion, quotes, stories, etc.
~ Other centers around the world
*The following addresses may be of interest, but we haven't visited many of them. Please use your good judgment.
~Ven. Chokyi Nyima Rinpoche
Ngesdon Osel Ling Monastery
PO box 4957
Kathmandu, Nepal
Tel (977) 1-423-396
(977) 1-472-678
(977) 1-522-984
Tsoknyi Rinpoche
Secretary = Madhu, Translator = Tony Duff
PO Box 4957
Kathmandu, Nepal
Tel/fax (977) 1-423-396
Mobile (977) 273-876
~Wat Suan Mokh, Surat Thani
From the
1st and 12th of each month are 10-day retreats. Arrive 1 or 2 days before.
~Wat Pa Baan That
Near Udou Thani in NE Thailand. Personal practice with
one-month maximum stay. An Englishman named Ajahn Panna is in residence.
~Koh Phangan
Wat Kow Tahm (Steve and Rosemary's place)
~Wat Pah Nanachat (Ajahn Chah)
Near Ubon Ratchachani. Personal practice, with
group sittings during Rains Retreat from July to October. Quite formal with emphasis
on work, none of which is too heavy. Need to write in advance to Ajahn Jayanti
or “Guest Monk.”
(For a complete listing of Ajahn Chah's teachings and centres world-wide, visit
Sri Lanka
~Nilambe Buddhist Meditation Centre
Nilambe 20418, (nr
Kandy), Sri Lanka
~Insight Society
PO Box 8747
Jerusalem 91086
(Hebrew only)
~“a living Dharma House” in progress
and David Leb
P.O. Box 853
Karkar 37108
(972) 06-637-2906, 058-527-755
~Mas Manlleva
Manlleva is a 12th century National Heritage farm house in the heart of a working biodynamic farm which has been converted into a fully equipped and very comfortable accommodation for up to 10 people.
The farm is 6 km from the village of Pla de Manlleu, 1.5 hours drive from Barcelona and 1 hour from Tarragona. The beaches of Costa dorada are 45 minutes away.
Manlleva is very open to the possibility of hosting workshops, retreats and silent groups.
Phone: 0034 977 638 665
click here to connect with the Spanish webpage about centers & books.
~Gaia House
West Ogwell, Newton Abbot
Devon TQ12 6EN
Tel (0044)(01626)333-613
Fax 352-650
College for Buddhist Studies and Contemporary Enquiry
Contact: The Secretary
Sharpham College
Sharpham House
Ashprington, Totnes, Devon TQ9 7UT
~Moulin de Chaves (formerly Tapovan)
Le Maine
24640 Cubjac
Tel: +33 (0)6 30 65 08 78
~Dharma Yatra: a Pilgrimage
Walk through French countryside July 16-30, 2004 with silent meditation,
teachings, and unscheduled time. The gathering runs on donation.
For more details go to:
~Ekuthuleni Retreat Place
A rustic retreat place in the foothills of the french pyrennees, near Carcassonne.
~Dzogchen Centre Luxembourg
31, rue des Trevires, L-2628
tel 352-456789
~Meditationszentrum Beatenberg
(Meditation Center Beatenberg)
Buddhistische Lehre und Praxis Waldegg
3803 Beatenberg/Schweiz
Web www.karuna.ch
~Seminarhaus ENGL e.V.
Verein fur buddhistisches
Leben und Handeln
Engl 1, 84339 Unterdietfurt
Tel 08728/616
Fax /412
Postgiroamt Munchen,
BLZ 700 100 80
Kto.-Nr. 523-916-808
~Reisen ins Herz der Natur, Personliches
Wachstum Meditation
Uschi Stehmann
Bornweg 4- 33178 Borchen
Tel 0-52-92-2091
Fax -2664
~Insight Meditation Society
Pleasant Street
Barre, MA 01005
Center for Buddhist Studies
149 Lockwood Road
Barre MA 01005
Tel (1)
~Southern Dharma Retreat Center
1661 West Road
Hot Springs NC 28743
Tel (1) 828-622-7112
Village Retreat Center
PO Box 67
Warner Springs CA 92086
Tel (1) 760-782-9223
In the tradition of Thich Nhat Hahn
~Spirit Rock Meditation Center
5000 Sir Francis Drake Boulevard
Woodacre, West Marin
PO Box 169
CA 94973
Tel (1) 415-488-0164
~Vipassana and Metta on Maui
From the U.S., call 1-800-573-3450
~Upaya Zen Center
Upaya Zen Center is a practice, service, and training center, focusing on the integration of practice and social action especially in the areas of death and dying, prison work, the environment, women’s rights, and peacework.
~Jaya yoga center
Jaya Yoga Center offers yoga courses for any level, teacher training, events for parents with kids and yoga retreats.
Jaya Park Slope: 1626 8th Ave (Windsor Pl) 11215
Jaya East: 2902 Ft Hamilton Pkwy (E 4th St) 11218
~True North Insight Meditation Centre
Molly and Norman are presently based in Guelph, Ontario, and travel where invited to support individuals and dharma groups. They are co-founders and Guiding Teachers of this centre. Following the Buddhist tradition, Molly and Norman offer the teachings freely, and rely on donations for their livelihood.
Norman's email:
Molly's email:
New Zealand
~Contact: Di Robertson
59a Taylors Mistake Road
Christchurch 8
~ Interesting Books and authors
~Nisargadatta Maharaj, I Am That
~Ramana Maharshi, Talks with Ramana Maharshi,
The Power of the Presence, and other titles.
~H.W.L. Poonja, The Truth Is
~J. Krishnamurti, many titles
~Pema Chodron, When Things Fall Apart:
Heart Advice for Difficult Times; The Wisdom of No Escape,
Path of Lovingkindness, Start Where You Are
(for tonglen practice), and other titles
~Chogyam Trungpa, Dharma Art; The Path Is the Goal;
Cutting Through Spiritual Materialism;
Shambhala: the Path of the Warrior, and other titles.
~Tsoknyi Rinpoche, Carefree Dignity
~Dogen, transl. Tanahashi, Enlightenment Unfolds
~Steven Levine, Healing Into Life and Death;
Meetings at the Edge, and other titles.
~Christopher Titmuss, Light on Enlightenment, and other titles.
~Thich Nhat Hahn, Old Path, White Clouds;
Being Peace, and other titles.
~Suzuki Roshi, Zen Mind, Beginner's Mind
~Ajahn Chah, Food for the Heart, and other titles.
~Namkhai Norbu, Dzogchen: the Self-Perfected State, and other titles.
~The Way of the Pilgrim (anonymous)
~Teresa of Avila
~Thomas Merton
~Teilhard de Chardin
~Antony de Mello
~see also: poetry
~Joanna Macy, The Greening of the Self;
World as Lover, World as Self; and other titles.
~Manasobu Fukuoka, The One-Straw Revolution, and other titles.
~Ecopsychology Reader (ed. Theodore Roszak)
~Sulak Sivaraska, Global Healing
~Byron Katie, The Work of Byron Katie
~Joanna Field (Marianne Moore), A Life of One's Own
~Krishnamurti, The Ending of Time and almost numberless books
~Irina Tweedy, Chasm of Fire
~Alice Walker, The Temple of My Familiar
~Eckhart Tolle, The Power of Now
~Burmeister, The Touch of Healing
~Julia Cameron, The Artist's Way
~Ram Dass, The Only Dance There Is, and How Can I Help?
~Etty Hillesum, An Interrupted Life
~Jacques Lusseyran, And There Was Light and Against the Pollution of the I
~Gurdjieff, Beelzebub's Tales to His Grandson
~Gitta Mallasz, Talking with Angels
~David Bohm, Unfolding Meaning
~Saint Exupery, The Little Prince
~Jacques Lusseyran, And There Was Light
~Daniel Quinn, The Story of B
~Michael Leunig, A Common Prayer (and many titles)
~Sraddhalu Ranade, Introduction to Integral Education
~Hildegard of Bingen (12th c. Christian)
~Mechtild of Magdeburg (13th c. Christian)
~Rumi (13th c. Sufi; transl. Coleman Barks)
~Hafiz, The Gift (14th c. Sufi; interpreted by Daniel Ladinsky)
~Kahlil Gibran, The Prophet
~Meerabai (15th c. Krishna devotional)
~Kabir (15th c. Indian)
~St. Teresa of Avila (16th c. Christian)
~St. John of the Cross (16th c. Christian)
~Rainer Maria Rilke, transl. Joanna Macy, Rilke's Book of Hours (modern European)
~Wendell Berry, Collected Poems, (modern US)
~Mary Oliver, New and Selected Poems, and other titles (US Pulitzer Prize winner)
~Michael Leunig, many books of poems and cartoons
Psychology and meditation
~Tara Bennett-Goleman, Emotional Alchemy
~Jon Kabat-Zin, Full Catastrophe Living
~Bert Hellinger, many titles
~Peter Levine, Awakening the Tiger
~Chuang Tzu (translator Berton Watson; another version by A.C. Graham)
~I Ching
~Lao Tzu, transl. Stephen Mitchell, Tao te Ching
Body Mind Disciplines
~Bonnie Bainbridge Cohen, Sensing, Feeling, and Action
~Aloka Marti and Joan Sala, Awareness through the Body
~Sandra Reeve, Nine Ways of Seeing a Body
~Patanjali's Yoga Sutras
~Yoga Vashisht
~Donna Farhi, The Breathing Book
~B. K. S. Iyengar, Light on Yoga, Light on Pranayama
~Dona Holeman and Orit Sen Gupta, Dancing the Body of Light
~Orit Sen-Gupta, The Heart of Practice and Vayu's Gate (2 different books)
~Vanda Scaravelli, Awakening the Spine