~ Discussion & inquiry
Dharma discussion and inquiry, in addition to silence, are essential to the heart's unfolding. Optional teacher-facilitated discussions are based on the direct experience of participants in an atmosphere of caring and simplicity. Group and one-to-one interviews with facilitators allow questions to be aired and explored, to adapt general instructions to individuals, and to practice deep listening to self and to others.
~ Sanskrit text translation
In the text translation class, Ajay Singh, a Sanskrit scholar and original thinker, leads a
discussion based on his direct translation of one of the great Sanskrit scriptures. In previous
retreats we have looked into such classics as Yoga Vasisht, Bhagavad Gita, or Patanjal
The text, however, simply stimulates conversation and reflection on one's own
experience. Our purpose is to deepen our own understanding, rather than to attempt to create a
"perfect" translation.
Those who haven't had the privilege of studying ancient texts through direct translation may be
surprised at the subtlety of the Sanskrit language, and therefore the range of English words which
can be used to translate a single Sanskrit word depending on the context. Ajay deliberately uses
unusual or surprising English words to challenge the listener, stop us from assuming too quickly
that we understand.
Those who have been more focused on Buddhist scriptures,will probably be surprised how similar
some Buddhist and Hindu techniques and wisdom are.
*The class is optional.