Each person opens to the deep heart in a unique way. The vastness at our center shines through the whole of each person’s life, in stillness and activity, receptivity and creativity—from poetry and film, to osteopathy and shamanism.
Here some of our friends describe how life has called them to enact freedom with heart. Here, in other words, is our creative sangha, a collective without walls, a gathering of hearts, of like-minded people living their potential out loud.
Joan Antoni Medalla - Ceramic artist
Nanda Huneman - Writer (Wonder word)
Whitney Sparks - Collage artist
Anne Marie Hoel - Graphic designer
Kathy Boehm - Yoga teacher and guide
Deborah Richmond - Consultancy
Healing, Yoga and other Body-mind disciplines
Katurah Hutcheson - Yoga teacher
Sean Feit - Yoga and Buddhist practice
Alba Sagarra - Essential motion
Caroline Lang - When we move beyond the temptation to stretch...
Social Justice
Sangha Seva - Anandwan (forest of bliss)
Aaron Goodman - Independent reporter
Christopher Gaya - Care Highway in Africa
Marisa Handler - Activist, writer, and singer-songwriter
Sister Mary Lobo - Social activist and nun
Veronica - r e a c h (research and action for change)
Tony Day - Yellow River Soup Kitchen
Iden Campbell McCollum - Embracing the dark
Manus Campbell - HIVOW ngo in Vietnam